Gallery of three-brested mutants

io9 – Did you know that third brest is more common in sci-fi then third eye? I found that interesting and funny in the same time. Although I cannot see why would anyone want three breasts when men usually don’t know how to work with two that are available right now ;).

From io9:
Why does science fiction love extra breasts so much? Blame Douglas Adams, who threw in a reference to the triple-breasted whore Eccentrica Gallumbits in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It sounded all sophisticated and sly coming from a Brit. But then William Shatner and Paul Verhoeven got their hands on the concept. Star Trek V, Shatner’s directorial debut and swansong, features a three-breasted cat dancer (above) who wrestles Captain Kirk. In Total Recall a year later, a sex-worker flashes her accessory breast at Arnie, who miraculously doesn’t grope her. How long before we have three breasts in 3-D? Find out in our gallery. (NSFW below the fold.)

See more brests here 🙂

2 Responses to “Gallery of three-brested mutants”

  1. men usually don’t know how to work with two that are available right now

    What? Where? And whose two are available? Because working them, that’s a hobby of mine. I’m a veritable connoisseur of breast working.

    I’m not sure I’d be able to handle three. Proper working of two can already give jaw cramps and hamper talking for days.

  2. ph1at1ine Says:

    you go man 😉

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